A woman in overalls standing in front of a quilted wall.

Meet Racini! Our featured designer of color beginning May 2023 in the Mary Go Round Membership.

Racini is a self taught quilter since 2013. She holds a MFA in Studio Arts from Parsons where she focused on large scale oil paintings. After graduation, she transitioned into fiber arts and quilting which was more manageable in her one bedroom apartment. She initially learned how to quilt so she could gift it to her family and friends. She never thought it would grow into what it is now.

Being of Filipino heritage born in Hawaii, Racini enjoys brining forth and sharing her culture through quilting whenever she can. She loves working with Philippines and Hawaiian textiles when the project calls for it. She enjoys creating imagery through her quilts and wants to continue sharing different cultures through quilting.

Click image below to watch the recorded interview:

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