FREE – Our Blog

Megan lopez - coming march 1.

Mary Go Roud Membership -SNEAK PEAK

Do you know Megan Lopez of The Athena Workshop? She will be our next featured designer in the Mary Go Round Membership, and I’m super excited to be working with…
A quilt with black and white squares and sunflowers.

Launch Party Quilt

January 2021 marks the official release of my first quilt pattern. The Launch Party Quilt. I wanted to give it a name that said “this is the first,” and Launch…
A photo of a woman and a piece of fabric.

Mary Go Round Membership – Sneak Peak

Beginning January 11, 2021, the membership will be open. Yay! I want to introduce you to the featured pattern designer for January. Meet Lynett Muhaso from LynsAvenue. Her pattern, Ella…
A quilt with orange and white stars on it.

Welcome to My New Website and Blog

Quilt made by my mom-approximately 1995   Oh, my goodness – my very first blog post. Thank you for being here. I’m going to take this time to tell you…
A variety of rulers and rulers on a white surface.

Best Ruler Sizes for Beginner Quilters

If you are a newbie quilter, you may be wondering what size rulers you need to get started. Just one look down the aisle at your favorite quilt shop, and…
Pink and black quilt blocks on a cutting board.

How to Make The Magic 8 Half Square Triangles

  Do you like making quilt designs that use half square triangles? I don’t know about you, but this is one of my favorite blocks. Half square triangles are so…

Pattern Corrections

Check here for Mary Go Round quilt pattern corrections or updates. From time to time an error may be found after a pattern is finalized. Corrections will be listed here.…
A pink flower on a green background.

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